One week left till our waggy-mama pops. Sylvia is starting to bulge, and we can feel the kicking of little paws in her belly. She is very lethargic and hungry all the time, but otherwise in good spirits. She’s not into walking now, which is fair enough since it is starting to get warmer, so we do PT sessions in the pool to her absolute disgust. She will only swim the bare minimum, but it is important that she is fit for birthing, so we must push her. After having searched heaven and earth for a suitable and affordable birthing basket, we found one in Aldi of all places! It is perfect, and Sylvia has given it her tick of approval. On Friday she is booked in for a check-up and an X-ray to find out exactly how many puppies she's got and to confirm the due date.
We are simultaneously excited and nervous for our little sausage roll, so bring on next week so we can breathe easy again.